The Life CruiseNautic - Our Story
Jumping off the daily grind.
July 21, 2018
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Dropping it all to buy a catamaran, head to the Caribbean and start a sail charter is not exactly considered the norm. It seems every interaction in sharing our story ends with one big question, “What drove you to this huge life change?” Here is a brief bit on how we found freedom from the daily grind.
Having reached what seems to most a successful point in life, we found ourselves searching for the next big adventure. We had traveled the states in our toyhauler, explored other countries on some fantastic treks and ventured many of the great waters on our sailboat, all ending in the inevitable return to the grind. Yes, something has to sustain the toys and fun. We began to push each trek longer with the good fortune of remote work helping the cause and we started to ask ourselves, how could our two worlds of adventure and career live together as one lifestyle.
One glorious day Cyrus stumbled across some sailing vlogs. Instead of tv we began binge watching every sailing vlog we could get our eyes on. Soaking in the romance, adventure and sometimes misadventures of a life cruising the world. To our surprise, some are even making a decent living of it. The thought of it was exciting but it seemed very far from reach.
In the midst of our inner search we headed out West and met up with my awesome, free-spirited Uncle Tom. He had some golden advice that changed our world forever. He shared a story of a very successful man who had reinvented himself many times in life, each time creating new success. His motto was, “Retire often”. So simple and inspiring. It was that moment that changed our lives forever. We were free to reinvent our future. This is where the new adventure truly started for us.
With new vision, we set off with what we thought was a 4 year plan. Immersing ourselves in investigating cruisers of every kind, we landed on catamarans for their comfort and blue water capabilities. We were on a quest for every bit of knowledge we could soak in on creating a new gig with a catamaran when Cyrus discovered a couple who had lived the dream and offered advice on buying a boat and setting up shop. One chat and we were sold on this being a very real possibility.
A week later we were off to the Annapolis Boat Show to tour a few favorite cat selections. On the list were the Lagoon 42, Lagoon 450, Fountaine Pajot Helia, Bali 4.1 and the Leopard 45. We toured all the boats on our list, opening every cabinet and inspecting every last nook. The winner was clear offering a fantastic cockpit for people to gather alongside the salon and galley, a variety of lounging areas, huge sugar scoops for dipping your toes, large staterooms filled with light and lets not forget those extra sexy soft lines. We were had, and seeing how quickly factory dates were extending far into the future due to the 2017 hurricane devastation, we knew that 4 year plan may just be moving up a few years.
We set off to our favorite place among the canyons of Utah and pondered every aspect of this huge decision for 3 weeks. We ended the adventure by signing a contract on our dream catamaran, giving her the pet name “Mesa” merging our love for the desert with the sea and freedom from the daily grind. The Lagoon 42 would soon be our new water abode, a launch for new adventures.
It is now our mission to share our passion for adventure with those who wish to escape the ordinary routine…if even for a week’s vacation.
Up next:
We discovered the delicious Painkiller in our toast to new adventures at the Annapolis Boat Show. Stay tuned for our next blog article where we will talk about some of our refreshing new cocktails and latest addiction to mixology.